How to roll forward W-2 and 1099 data

ezW2 2012 comes with new BACKUP and RESTORE function. User can copy ezW2 2011 data to ezW2 2012 folder easily.


(However if you are a CPA and more many accounts, you can refer to this article to transfer data manually


Note: Do not forget step 4 to switch your current database file after you transfer data.

Step 1. Install ezW2 2012 on your machine first


Step 2. Start ezW2 2011, click the top menu “Company Management-> Backup current company".
You can rename and save the database file to a folder or a flash disk.
For example: you can rename the datbase file to “ABC Company 2012”.

Step 3. Start ezW2 2012, click the top menu “Company Management-> Restore company".

Then select the backup company database file.

Step 4: Start ezW2 2012, select this new database file as your current database file by clicking the top menu "Company Management->Select Company".


Step 5. You can edit your data there and print your new forms.


Related link:

How to roll forward ezW2 2010 data to ezW2 2011


<note:> If you have more than one companies, you need to change the current company in ezW2 and repeat the above steps.


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