THIS code is provided as is with no warrantees whatsoever as to fitness for any function. The purpose of this code is to assist developers get some good ideas for how to build a PayPal shopping cart. It is your job as a developer to ensure that any code provided meets your needs. If you wish Spiderweb Logic to build you a custom PayPal solution, give us a call at (805) 720-0789 or We also provide tech support for any ASP.Net questions at our hourly rate by phone, email, or MSN messenger. We accept Visa and PayPal. Sincerely, - Spiderweb Logic Website Design SETUP: 1) Extract the PaypalCSharp folder in this .zip file under wwwroot 2) In IIS configuration,make this a web application. (Required for use of Master Pages.) HOW? * Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services * Expand the computer on the left til you see the web sites under "Default Web Site" * Right-mouse click the folder for "PaypalCSharp", select "properties" option, and click on the "create" button to make this an application. NOTE: If you get permission problems displaying the website, inherit permissions from wwwroot using IIS CONFIGURATION: All product images are in the "images" folder. The XML file that has the list of products is in data!fldr You will need to adjust this to reflect your own products. PLEASE change the banner at the top. The one provided is for your development only and is a placeholder. Web.config: You will notice the following configuration values here. You will have to put in your own PayPal account, tax rate, and such, if different. Once you have the website the way you want it, you will have to edit this before deploying to the real web host. You will likely want to create other company pages, product pages, and change the logo. There are many other refinements on displaying the list of products, and you even may want to add more product data and mess with the DefaultMaster.master for layout. If possible, we would appreciate a link to our website somewhere in the websites you built using this template.