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Hi John,

Most US bank require clients to upload both front and back images. If you need to upload the images to banks, you can have to print the checks on blanks stock.

If you do not want to print check, you can also try direct deposit software, ezACH file.

How to collect money from clients by ACH transaction


To use ezACh, you need to make sure your bank account can support ACH payment feature. Most banks will charge client monthly fee or per transaction fee or both for such feature. You can test drive ezACH before purchasing it.

Thank you.


Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
Small Business Payroll & Tax Software Solution 
Hi..I have a question about your Bank Draft Software..I take in 800 checks per month from Customers.90% over phone..10% off my website. You reference plain paper question is..can a check draft that I would present to my Biz bank account for remote deposit via a picture of front and back of that draft suffice to bank..or do I need to spend a lot of money and buy 800 check paper each month..thanks
