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Hi Tom,

Thank you for contacting us. Yes, our ez1099 software will work for you.

- ez1099 can print 1098 recipient copies on white paper or in PDF format file.

- ez1099 can print 1098 IRS copy A and 1096 on red form.

- No red form is required if you will efile 1098 and 1096 to IRS.

- You can import recipient data from .csv file

- Unlimited form printing with no extra charge

- Multiple-user version is available also.

I would like to suggest you try ez1099 first with no obligation. Here are steps:

1. Please download the trial version ez1099 and try it first. The trial version will print TRIAL watermarks on forms. You can purchase the key code to remove it later. All your data will remain.

2. Please contact us if you have any questions

3. Purchase the key code online and our system will email it instantly.

ez1099 download


Quick Start Guide


ez1099 Purchase link


1098 and 1096 red form: You can purchase red forms from our site or from other vendors


Please let us know if you need any assistance.

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
I am in need of about 125 1098 forms to report mortgage interest to borrowers as well as the IRS. Will your software be able to provide the necessary forms?