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Thank you for using ezPaycheck payroll software. We are glad to assist you.

The FUTA wage limit is $7000. If the YTD payment for this employee is over that limit, you will not see FUTA. It is the most possible reason.

If the YTD payment has not reached $7000, would you please try one more time?

1. Double check the current FUTA rate

2. Add a new check and save it
Please let us know what is FUTA amount for this paycheck. You can view employer side tax when you add a check. After you saved it, you can also view it by selecting this new paycheck from check list and clicking the VIEW button.

Is FUTA correct now?

Note: If you have any pretax deduction, (ie: deduction exempt from federal tax), it will lower your taxable income and lower the FUTA amount.

3. If you still have questions, please email us the database file and we will check it here.

Followings are the steps to send the database file to us.

1. backup your current data to a folder you can access easily (ie: c:/temp) by clicking ezPaycheck top menu "Company->Back up current company".

2. Reply this message and attach the .mdb backup file to us (Some mail server does not allow .mdb file as attachment, please zip this file first if possible.)

***How to zip file****
- Locate the file or folder that you want to zip.
- Press and hold (or right-click) the file or folder, select (or point to) Send to, and then select Compressed (zipped) folder.

3. let us know the employee name.

We will check this issue as soon as possible.
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
Dear customer support,

ezPaycheck -I need to change the tax rates on FUTA and SUTA. It will calculate the SUTA correctly but not the FUTA.