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The same file already exists in the application folder?. Did you restore it previously?

If yes, you can switch the current database file directly by clicking the top menu "Company Management->Select Company".

If you want to copy the file to the same folder again, you can rename it first. ie: current backup file name is "mycompany.mdb". You can rename to it to "mycompany_bk2016.mdb". Then you can try this restore function again
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 

I have tried option 1 regarding restoring company and I am receiving the following error message "File Company2012.mdb exits in application folder. Please change the backup filename and try again". I changed the name and I am receiving same message.

I tried option 2 and when I click on Current company and select the name of file it does not have any information in that file.

Any other sugguestions? thank you.


Please follow this guide to restore your backup data

How to restore backup data

How to backup data

Please let us know if you still have any questions.

Thank you.
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
Good Morning,

I am trying to restore a company from the ezW2 Correction (2016) software.

I entered 341 rows in the system and when I clicked on back files the system created a

Microsoft Access Database file and I cannot get access to the records on this file. Can you please advise on how I can regain access? Thank you.
