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I think you will file taxes for the two companies separately, correct? If yes, please follow this guide:

1. Please backup data if you did not backup data before. 

2. Add the new company by duplicating the first company.

- Click ezPaycheck top menu "Company", then click sub menu "Duplicate Current Account"

- Click the top menu "Company", then click sub menu "Select Current Company" to switch the new company as the current company

- change the settings if needed. (ie: company name and address)

- delete all employees and add new employees.

Thank you.
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
Hi Half price software team

I have client in Name A address ....., now she have another company the
same category B difference address, She wants the Federal ID and State ID,
Name B under Corp Name A, How can I set up Company name? Please help?
