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1. The trial version does not support the data export and efile feature. It also prints the trial watermarks on forms. You need to purchase license key to unlock all features.

2. If you see any issue after you purchase the license, we are glad to assist you. If we cannot solve this issue, we will process the refund. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions.

Thank you,

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
Hi there,

I downloaded your software because I am interested to see if it can convert the IRS 1095c data into the format required for California. It looks like I was able to import the file, but the data export is locked so I cannot fully evaluate your software. Do you have a temporary key that I can use to make sure the data exported is in proper CA 1094/1095 format?

Thank you,