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Thank you for using ezPaycheck. Please follow this solution.

1 You can add a new payment method (ie: pay by load, or pay by revenue) by following #2 in this guide.

2. When you add a new paycheck in step 3, you need to enter the amount manually. You can add a memo for this paycheck. (ie: 30% of $10000 revenue)

Please try it and let us know if you still have any questions.

Thank you,
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
To whom it may concern

We are a trucking company that pays our drivers a percentage of the truck's earnings for the loads that they haul.
I was under the impression that we could set this software up for this type of payroll from the demo that I did.
However, I was unable to set it up to show the truck revenue and pay the driver their percentage of that.
So temporarily I entered the truck revenue as hours and their percentage as the hourly pay.

Is there something that I'm missing on setting the commission pay up this way?

Any suggestions would be of great help. I have spent many hours trying to get this set up the correct way.

Thank you,