ezCheckPrinting software is very flexible. Users can print checks on blank check stock and pre-printed check. Users can customize the check layout easily too.
Followings are the guides to hide the MICR line (Accounting number, bank account and check number) when you print a check
· If you just want to hide this line, you can click the top menu "Settings->Layout setup" to open layout set up screen. Then uncheck the option "Display MICR line" at the bottom of this screen and save your change.
· If you need to write check on the pre-printed blank check, you can click the top menu "Settings->Check setup" to open Check Setup screen. You can uncheck the option "Use Blank Check Stock" to use pre-printed check and save the change. Then ezCheckPrinting software will print data only on your check.
Learn more about ezCheckPrinting at: http://www.halfpricesoft.com/product_ezCheck.asp