ezCheckPersonal allows customers to print customized checks in house easily.
If you still be able to run ezCheckPersonal on your current machine, followings are the steps to move ezCheckPersonal from the old machine to a new one. (If your machine is crashed, you should refer to this article.)
1. Download and install ezCheckPersonal on your new machine.
Download link:
2. Enter ezCheckPersonal key
3. Copy your current database file from old machine to the USB disk
Open ezCheckPersonal application on your old machine and insert your USB disk. Click top menu "Accounts->Backup Current Accounts" to backup current database file to usb disk. You can enter the new name as you like.
If you have more one accounts, please select a new database as your current one and back up them one by one.
4. Copy the database file from USB disk to the application folder on your new machine.
Start ezCheckPersonal on the new machine, then click the top menu "Account->Restore account" and select the file from the USB disk. ezCheckPersonal will copy this backup file to your new machine.
5. Select the new database file as current company database by clicking the top menu "Accounts->Select Account".