Withhold Paid Family and Medical Leave Contribution from MA Paychecks.
ezPaycheck payroll software is very flexible. Here is the guide for Massachusetts employers who need to collect Paid Family and Medical Leave Contribution from Workers' paychecks.
Employee Contribution Rates(Year 2019)
Source: https://www.mass.gov/guides/a-guide-to-paid-family-and-medical-leave-for-massachusetts-workers#-contribution-rates-PFML benefits will be funded by a payroll or earnings contribution on every dollar of wages or payment for services earned by a covered individual.
For every $100 you earn, a maximum of
$0.38 will be deducted for the covered contribution share. This will consist of:
$0.13 to cover your family leave contribution
$0.25 to cover your medical leave contribution
The maximum amount of earnings subject to these contribution rates is
$132,900 annually for each covered individual.
Employers will begin making deductions from pay to covered individuals on Oct. 1, 2019