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Dear valued customer,

Thank you for your interest in our software. We would recommend ezAccounting for your business task needs.
We have added the link for download, quick start guide, faq link below. We offer a 30 day trial for no cost or obligation. Supports unlimited accounts!!

How to add new accounts

The only restriction is that TRIAL will appear on checks and reports until the key is purchased. Once you purchase the key, you can simply add it to the trial version and all data will remain but the TRIAL will be removed.


Quick start guide- 


Please let us know if we may assist you further!
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
I am considering using Halfprice for my company - it's a good price and
includes payroll.

I have other companies that are pretty small (no employees) - Can I set up
the software for multiple companies? I see you can have unlimited accounts,
but it didn't say multiple companies.

Thank you,
