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I'm starting a talent agency for actors. Can I customize payroll checks/stubs to reflect items such as: meal penalties,
smoke and wet pay, agent commission etc.
Dear valued customer,

Do you need to report the payments to IRS?

- If you need to include the payment on the W2 or 1099 tax form to report it to IRS, please use the customize payment field. Here is the sample

- If it is just reimbursement and you do not need to report it to IRS, please do not include it on your regular paychecks. You can use MISC check feature to issue a separate check. You can add the payment details to NOTE or MEMO field. You can access the MISC check feature by clicking the left menu "Checks" then "MISC check".

Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions.

Thank you.

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
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