Ez1099 2012 comes with new BACKUP and RESTORE function. User can copy ez1099 2011 data to ez1099 2012 folder easily.
Step 1. Install ez1099 2012 on your machine first
Step 2. Start ez1099 2011, click the top menu “Company -> Backup Company".
You can rename and save the database file to a folder or a flash disk. For example: you can rename the datbase file to “ABC Company 2012”.
Step 3. Start ez1099 2012, click the top menu “Company-> Restore Backup Company".
Then select the backup company database file.
Step 4: Start ez1099 2012, select this new database file as your current database file by clicking the top menu "Company ->Select Company".
Step 5. You can edit your data there and print your new forms.
Related links:
How to Print 1099 forms on white paper for recipients