FAQs about Year 2013 Payroll Software Updates

IRS increases Social Security Tax to 6.2% for employees. EzPaycheck 2013 payroll software has been updated to implement this change and other tax rate changes.

2013 Income Tax Tables here: http://www.halfpricesoft.com/federal_income_tax_2013.asp

What is new for 2013 Income Taxes:  http://halfpricesoft.com/business-blog/post/2013/01/01/What-Is-New-of-2013-Payroll-Tax-Rate.aspx

1.       How to download ezPaycheck 2013

            If you are a new user, you can download ezPaycheck 2013 at



If you are ezPaycheck 2012 users, we would like to suggest you to back up your database first then download ezPaycheck 2013 update package at




2.       I downloaded version 3.3.3 to generate the first check. Then I updated  ezPaycheck to the latest version to generate the second check. Why the net pay and taxes on the second check are different from the first check


IRS published new tax rate on Jan 3 2013 which overwrite the tax rate published on Dec 31, 2012.


Version 3.3.6 use the tax rate published on Jan 3, 2013

Version 3.3.5 and earlier use tax rate published on Dec 31, 2012



3.       Why I need to update ezPaycheck 2012 to ezPaycheck 2013?

EzPaycheck 2012 comes with 2012 tax tables. If you need to handle payroll in Year 2013, you should use Year 2013 income tax rate. You can find Year 2013 tax rate change there



Social Security Tax increases to 6.2% for employees. IRS asks employers to start using the new social security rate as soon as possible in Year 2013 but not later than Feb 15, 2013.


You can get more information about income tax change here



4.       How will I know my current version?

You can click the ezPaycheck top menu “Help->About ezPaycheck”


5.       How can I know a new version is available?

We will inform you by email when a new version is available. You can also check the latest version yourself by clicking the ezPaycheck top menu “help->Check for updates”.


6.       I have not finished my 2012 payroll, should I download ezPaycheck 2013 update package now?

You should finish your 2012 paychecks first because you should use 2012 income tax rate for year 2012 paychecks.


 You can print W-2 forms later. EzPaycheck 2013 can print Year 2012 W-2 Forms.


7.       After I installed ezPaycheck 2013, I still see 2011 940 Form. Is it correct?

IRS has not published Year 2012 940 form yet. We will release a new version once this form is available. Current ezPaycheck 2013 users can get this update package for free.


8.       After I installed ezPaycheck 2013, I still see 2012 941 Form. Is it correct?

IRS has not published Year 2013 941 form yet. We will release a new version once this form is available. Current ezPaycheck 2013 users can get this update package for free.



9.       Is my payroll data safe when I run ezPaycheck 2013 update package? Will it transfer my 2012 data to ezPaycheck 2013?

Your data should be safe. However, we still like to suggest you always backup your data first. When ezPaycheck 2012 users run ezPaycheck 2013 update package, it should transfer all the data to ezPaycheck 2013 automatically. However if your machine has higher security settings, ezPaycheck may not be able to transfer the data automatically.

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