Q: Is ezW2 for me?
A: Yes, any businesses and accountants can use ezW2, which supports forms W-2, W-3, 1099 misc and 1096.
Q: Does ezW2 support multiple companies?
A: ezW2 can support unlimited companies, unlimited employees and unlimited contractors with no extra charge.
Q: Can I try ezW2 for FREE?
A: Yes, you can download ezW2 2010 from our site and try it for free. No registration needed and no obligation. If you like it, you can purchase the key online. All data you entered will stay there. ezW2 - 1099 W2 preparing software http://www.halfpricesoft.com/w2_software.asp
Q: What is the price of ezW2 2010?
A: The basic version is $39 per installation, which supports unlimited companies, unlimited employees and unlimited contractors. The ezW2 PDF version is $64 per installation.
Q: How can I purchase ezW2 2010?
A: You can purchase ezW2 2010 online.
The key will be sent to your email account after the transaction is done. Please feel free to contact us at services@halfpricesoft.com if you cannot receive it in 30 minutes.
Q: Where can I purchase the red-ink forms w-2, w-3, 1099 and 1096?
A: You can find the red-ink forms from our site. Free offers are available.
Q: If I have ezW2 2009 installed on my machine, do I need to uninstall ezW2 2009 before installing ezW2 2010?
A: No. EzW2 2010 and ezW2 2009 can coexist on your machine.
Q: Can I copy my ezW2 2009 data to ezW2 2010?
A: Yes, you can copy your 2009 database file to your 2010 application folder.
Followings are the steps.
1. Install ezW2 2010 first.
2. Start ezW2 2009
3. Backup database file to ezW2 2010 folder by clicking the top menu "Company Management->Backup current company".
The default ezW2 2010 folder is: C:\Program Files\Halfpricesoft\ezW2(2010)
4. Select this new database file as your current database file by clicking the top menu "Company Management->Select Company".
5. You can edit your data there and print your new forms.
To learn more about ezW2, 1099 W2 Printing software, please visit