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Many QB users like ezPaycheck payroll software. We hope ezPaycheck can simplify payroll for your business also.

1. ezPaycheck can import employee data from QB IIF file. But for three employees, it may be easier to enter the employees manually.

How to add employee manually

How to import QB employee

2. ezPaycheck can NOT import the previous checks from QuickBooks.

- You can enter the after the fact check one by one.

- Or you can enter the YTD summary data only. 

Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions. We are glad to assist you as soon as possible.

Thank you,

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
A) I have used QB Enterprise for 40+ years
Is there a way to export paychecks and payroll information to quickbooks? Other than manual re-entry of each item!

Q2 Is there a way to print directly on Quick Books checks?