Yes, you can copy your 2010 databae file to your 2011 application folder.
Followings are the steps.
1. Install ezW2 2011 first.
2. Start ezW2 2010
3. Backup database file to ezW2 2011 folder by clicking the top menu "Company Management->Backup current company".
The default ezW2 2011 folder is:
C:\Program Files\Halfpricesoft\ezW2(2011)

4. Start ezW2 2011, select this new database file as your current database file by clicking the top menu "Company Management->Select Company".
5. You can edit your data there and print your new forms.
<note:> If you have more than one companies, you need to change the current company in ezW2 and repeat the above steps.
To learn more about ezW2, 1099 W2 Printing software, please visit