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ez1099 2023 Efile Alert


1096   |   1098   |   1099-DIV   |   1099-K   |   1099-MISC   |   1099-NEC   |   1099-S
(Related links: W2 W3   |   W2C W3C )

IRS has not published the 2023 efile guide for 2024 tax season.

We will update ez1099 2023 when the new efiling guide is available. Current ez1099 2023 clients can get that update for free.

1099s software ez1099 software can prepare, print and efile forms W2G, 1097BTC, 1098s (1098, 1098C, 1098E, 1098F, 1098Q, 1098T), 1099s (1099A, 1099B, 1099C, 1099CAP, 1099DIV, 1099G, 1099INT, 1099K, 1099LTC, 1099MISC, 1099NEC, 1099OID, 1099PATR, 1099Q, 1099QA, 1099R, 1099S, 1099SB, 1099SA), 5498s(5498, 5498ESA, 5498QA, 5498SA), 8935, 3921, 3922, 1096 forms required by the IRS.

New ez1099 2023 is available for 2024 tax season!

If you do not have ez1099 software installed, try it free today with no obligation and no cost.