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HPS Payment Service Guide for ezPaycheck Users

Next Step: Create and Verify Account >>

Who can use HPS Payment Service?

Our ezPaycheck software clients.

Benefits of HPS Payment Service

Pay employees and contractors with direct deposit.

Do I have to pay employees with HPS payments service?

No. You can pay your employee with paper check, or direct payment service from your banks. You decide what is the best option for your company.

Steps to pay employees with HPS Payment Service

Step# Description Note
1 Create and verify account
You can create an account in minutes.
It takes 1-5 days to verify the employer account.
2 Add employee paychecks  
3 Deposit payments 1 to 5 days to complete the transactions depending your account balance. View the payment schedule here.


Item Cost Note
Initial Setup fee $9.95 There is no extra charge if you have multiple company accounts.
Employer Business and Banking Account Validation $3 for each account
Monthly Fee

Transaction amount


Deposit schedule


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  • Next Step: Create Account >>

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