You are ready to purchase a W2 software for your small to midsized company. Here are the six easy to follow steps to find the best one for your business
Step 1: Think about the Features You will need
Here are some unique features within W2 software. You can add more features to this list or remove some features from the list:
- Print W2 Forms for employees.
- Print W2 copy A and W3 for IRS
- Print W2 employee copies in PDF format, so you email them to recipients
- Print W2 and W3 forms on white paper (The software must be certified by SSA)
- Efile W2 and W3
- If you also have contractors, you may need the feature to print 1099-misc and 1096 forms
Also, you will want to think forward with your company requirements as you grow. You also want to list every feature and function that you currently use. Don't assume that they are included in all W2 software. Some are not.
Step 2: Prioritize the Features
Once you have your list of features, identify which features you absolutely must haveamd rank your optional features according to their priority. Put a "1" next to the features you feel are most important. Put a "2" next to features you'd like to have if all your number 1 features are met. Put a "3" next to features that are convenient, but optional and a "4" next to those that would be nice to have, but won't really affect yourdecision making.
Step 3: Look for W2 Software that Lets You Import W2 and 1099 Data From An External Source
If you already have your employee and W2 data in an excel document or other external source, make sure you purchase a software with import function so you do not have to enter data manually again..
Step 4: Look for an Easy-to-use Tax Software Interface
One of the most common reasons for deciding to change W2 software is that the software currently being used is too complicated and difficult to use. So you'll also want to look for a tax preparation solution that is easy to use. The key is the graphical interface-the window or screen that displays your options and accepts the data that you enter.
Look for screen-shots of the product on the box or website. Does the screen layout make sense to you? Can you find what you're looking for? If the layout makes sense to you and you can easily see the options you use most often, that's a good sign that the software will be easy to use.
Step 5: Be Aware Of Hidden Fees of this W2 software
Some tax preparation software companies charge per companies added or for customer support. Don't get stuck paying for hidden costs.. Know ahead of time what you will get for your money. If a company doesn't state clearly what that fee will be, chances are you could be paying for it later. The same is true for using your software for multiple businesses. Some software companies require you to purchase the software for each company. Don't buy software that limits your growth.
Step 6: Take Your Potential W2 Software for a Trial Run
You should download this W2 software first and make sure you feel comfortable with its interface and features. For example: We provide ezW2 software trial version. Customers can download and try it before purchasing with no cost and no obligation. We believe it is an important step for customers to choose the right solution.
Related Links
W2 W3
How to fill out and print Form W2
How to print Form W2 W3 on White Paper
How to Print Multiple Copies on the same page for employee
How to Print W-2 Data on Red Forms
How to convert W2's into PDF format files
How to eFile W2 W3 Forms
1099-misc, 1096
How to fill out and print Form 1099-misc
How to eFile 1099-misc Forms
How to Print 1099-misc Forms on Red Forms
How to Convert 1099-misc Forms into PDF file