ezCheckPrinting Troubleshooting: License Issue
ezCheckPrinting software is trusted by thousands of users. It helps customers save time and money by printing professional check in house everyday. Once you register the key code, you will not see KEY INPUT window pop up when you start ezCheckPrinting application. And you can print check without TRIAL watermarks on checks.
Below are some reasons that you cannot register a license keycode:
#1: Wrong version *****
We released ezCheckPrinting version 6.0 on Nov 6, 2013. The old version key code will NOT work for the new version.

You can check your current software name and version by clicking the ezCheckPrintinting top menu "help" then "About ezCheckPrinting".
If you download a wrong version, you can uninstall current version, and download
ezCheckPrinting latest version
previous version 5.0
#2: You purchase the wrong key code or you installed the wrong software **
Please make sure you are using ezCheckPrinting software. You can check the current software name and version by clicking the ezCheckPrintinting top menu "help" then "About xxxx".
Please also check the key code message to make sure you ordered the right key code.
#3: You need to copy and paste keycode including dashes ("-") ***
Some mail server may also add extra hidden characters around key code. You can copy the key code to NotePad, then copy it to ezCheckPrinting application to solve this issue.
#4. Some email server may add special characters around key code, even you cannot see it.
- You can open Notepad application, copy the license key from email to the Notepad first. (You can open Notepad by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type Notepad, and then, in the list of results, click Notepad. )
- Then you copy the key code from NotePad to your application to register it.
This process will remove the unseen charaters added to the key code by your email server.
#5: Permission issue
You need to log in your machine as administrator or a user with enough persmission to register the key code.
You may also refer to this article:
What Permissions I Need to Run ezCheckPrinting
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